term used for plant fluids found in cells or transported through the vascular system.

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
sap (noun)
a) the fluid part of a plant , specifically a watery solution that circulates through a plant's vascular system
b) (1) a body fluid (as blood) essential to life, health, or vigor
(2) bodily health and vigor
a foolish gullible person
probably short for - blackjack bludgeon
sap (verb)
transitive verb
to drain or deprive of sap
to knock out with a sap
sap (verb)
intransitive verb
transitive verb
to proceed by digging a sap
to subvert by digging or eroding the substratum or foundation - undermine
a) to gradually diminish the supply or intensity of - sapped her strength
b) to weaken or exhaust the energy or vitality of - the illness sapped him of his stamina
to operate against or pierce by a sap weaken
sap (noun)
the extension of a trench to a point beneath an enemy's fortifications
sap (Wikipedia)

Sap is a fluid transported in xylem cells (vessel elements or tracheids) or phloem sieve tube elements of a plant. These cells transport water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Sap is distinct from latex, resin, or cell sap; it is a separate substance, separately produced, and with different components and functions.

Insect honeydew is called sap, particularly when it falls from trees, but is only the remains of eaten sap and other plant parts.

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