I) rope that is configured. constructed. or intended for or assigned or restricted to a particular use (e.g.. climbing line or lowering line). 2) a wire or cable designed to conduct electricity. 3) in a utility system. the wires that serve as electrical conductors in an electric utility circuit or that conduct telecommunications or other signals.
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
line (noun)1.
a) a length of cord or cord-like material as
(1) a comparatively strong slender cord
(2) - clothesline
(3) a rope used on shipboard
b) (1) a device for catching fish consisting of a cord with hooks and other fishing gear
(2) scope for activity - rope
c) a length of material used in measuring and leveling
d) (1) piping for conveying a fluid (as steam)
(2) a narrow short synthetic tube that is inserted approximately one inch into a vein (as of the arm) to provide temporary intravenous access for the administration of fluid, medication, or nutrients
e) (1) a wire or pair of wires connecting one telegraph or telephone station with another or a whole system of such wires , also any circuit in an electronic communication system
(2) a telephone connection - tried to get a line , also an individual telephone extension - a call on line 2
(3) the principal circuits of an electric power system
a) (1) a horizontal row of written or printed characters , also a blank row in lieu of such characters
(2) a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm (as metrical feet)
(3) a distinct segment of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands
b) a short letter - note
c) a certificate of marriage
d) the words making up a part in a drama - usually used in plural
e) any of the successive horizontal rows of picture elements on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (as a television screen)
a) something (as a ridge or seam) that is distinct, elongated, and narrow
b) a narrow crease (as on the face) - wrinkle
c) the course or direction of something in motion - route
d) (1) a state of agreement or conformity - accordance
(2) a state of order, control, or obedience - wouldn't let them get out of line
e) (1) a boundary of an area - the state line
(2) 2 - distinction the fine line between love and hate
f) the track and roadbed of a railway
g) an amount of cocaine that is arranged in a line to be inhaled through the nose
a) a course of conduct, action, or thought , especially an official or public position - the party line
b) a field of activity or interest
c) a glib often persuasive way of talking
a) - limit restraint
b) archaic position in life - lot
a) (1) - family lineage
(2) a strain produced and maintained especially by selective breeding or biological culture
(3) a chronological series
b) dispositions made to cover extended military positions and presenting a front to the enemy - usually used in plural
c) a military formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other
d) naval ships arranged in a regular order
e) (1) the combatant forces of an army distinguished from the staff corps and supply services
(2) the force of a regular navy
f) (1) officers of the navy eligible for command at sea distinguished from officers of the staff
(2) officers of the army belonging to a combatant branch
g) an arrangement or placement of persons or objects of one kind in an orderly series - a line of trees stand on line waiting in line , also the persons or objects so positioned - the line moved slowly at the bank
h) (1) a group of public conveyances plying regularly under one management over a route
(2) a system of transportation together with its equipment, routes, and appurtenances , also the company owning or operating it
i) a succession of musical notes especially considered in melodic phrases
j) (1) an arrangement of operations in manufacturing permitting sequential occurrence on various stages of production
(2) the personnel of an organization that are responsible for its stated objective
k) (1) the seven players including center, two guards, two tackles, and two ends who in offensive football play line up on or within one foot of the line of scrimmage
(2) the players who in defensive play line up within one yard of the line of scrimmage
l) a group of three players including a left winger, center, and right winger who play together as a unit in hockey
a narrow elongated mark drawn or projected as
a) (1) a circle of latitude or longitude on a map
(2) - equator
b) a mark (as on a map) recording a boundary, division, or contour
c) any of the horizontal parallel strokes on a music staff on or between which notes are placed - compare space
d) a mark (as by pencil) that forms part of the formal design of a picture distinguished from the shading or color
e) a division on a bridge score dividing the score for bonuses from that for tricks
f) (1) a demarcation of a limit with reference to which the playing of some game or sport is regulated - usually used in combination
(2) a marked or imaginary line across a playing area (as a football field) parallel to the end line
(3) - line of scrimmage
a straight or curved geometric element that is generated by a moving point and that has extension only along the path of the point - curve
a) a defining outline - contour
b) a general plan - model usually used in plural
a) chiefly British - pica used to indicate the size of large type
b) the unit of fineness of halftones expressed as the number of screen to the inch - lines linear
merchandise or services of the same general class for sale or regularly available
a) a source of information - insight
b) betting odds offered by a bookmaker especially on a sporting event
a complete game of 10 frames in bowling - called also string
- line drive
transitive verb
to mark or cover with a line or - lines lined paper
to depict with lines - draw
to place or form a line along - pedestrians line the walks
to form into a line or lines - align line up troops
intransitive verb
to hit (as a baseball) hard and in a usually straight line
to hit a line drive in baseball
to come into the correct relative position - align
transitive verb
to cover the inner surface of - line a cloak with silk
to put something in the inside of - fill
to serve as the lining of - tapestries lined the walls
obsolete - fortify
line (Wikipedia)